Forty-four years ago this summer Dr. Bill Piper organized the first board of directors meetings with six charter members. During the meetings, ROGMA International was organized to distribute discipleship materials as an extension of Dr. Piper’s evangelistic work. Within five years, the ministry grew to an international discipleship network.
Over the next four decades, ROGMA International (now CDI) developed, translated and distributed Bible correspondence courses to thousands of students in dozens of countries. The “paper missionaries,” as the courses were once called, traveled to homes, local churches, Bible colleges, prisons and even remote villages. Literally, hundreds of thousands of people heard the gospel and were discipled in the Christian faith through these paper courses.

CDI has been providing discipleship resources for believers around the world since 1981.

“The Paper Missionary” promo from the 1990’s.
Building on the foundation that has already been laid, CDI is advancing its mission under three areas of focus:
- Individual discipleship – We are updating our current courses and developing new, substantive curricula in our platform-responsive software. Our first revised course will be launched very soon, and we plan to have a fully automated new discipleship course ready to launch in the fall. We have had over 70 new students from all over the world register to take an online course since Jan. 1 of this year.
- International leadership – With an existing global network of over thirty active ministry partners in twenty countries, CDI will utilize in-person and online courses for leadership training and church planting efforts. We are reorganizing our global network for maximum efficiency and impact.
- Interactive correspondence – In many contexts, especially prisons, individuals are only able to correspond via mail and paper courses. CDI will continue this vital discipleship effort by partnering individual volunteers in local churches.
Since the launch of our new name and website in October of last year, we have been working diligently on every part of our strategic plan to reorganize operations, revise courses and build a solid foundation on which we can build for the future.
We sincerely appreciate our current donors who are providing financial support for this work to continue. Your gifts have made it possible for us to get to where we are today! We are at a crucial point in our history, and to carry out our three-fold vision will require greater financial support.
We are praying for the following projects to become realities this year:
- Launch an automated online course for new disciples – $1,500
- Update and release all existing courses – $2,500
- Hire an administrative assistant – $1,500/month
- Hire a web content developer – $1,500/month
- Take a survey trip to Africa to organize infrastructure, leadership training and church planting strategy – $5,000
Would you consider partnering with us to help make these projects a reality? A one-time or recurring gift of any amount is greatly appreciated!
We are trusting God to sustain this work as we engage in growing opportunities to disciple the nations. Thank you again for being a friend of CDI!
By God’s grace,
Jason Little
Executive Director
CDI will host its 2016 Golf Tournament on Oct. 14 at Green Valley CC in Greenville, SC.
Click here for more information