The CDI courses are being used to minister to many prisoners around the world. Life for a believer in the prison system is difficult. Living with hundreds of other prisoners on a small compound, they are faced with spiritual challenges every day.

One student writes how difficult it is to share his testimony living in the prison “day in and day out, packed like sardines, navigat[ing] through the constant din of screaming calloused people wanting only to defy the laws of God.” We are grateful for faithful CDI mentors who are helping the prisoners to grow in their knowledge of God’s Word and to be a witness for Christ.

One dedicated CDI mentor is Robert Knapp, who from his home in Michigan encourages prisoners around the country by corresponding with them as they work through CDI courses. He receives many testimonial letters from prisoners of how God is working in their lives.

A prisoner named Art writes, “The more I travel along with the Lord, the more I come to appreciate the new life He has given me. Trials and tribulations still come frequently but they don’t last near as long as they used to. As I stay in the Word . . . He strengthens me to endure and blesses me . . . even afflictions and discipline are welcome as I turn to the Lord to help me overcome the temptations.”

After studying the lesson on sin, Jim writes, “For a long time I had been blind to the actual reality and influence of sin and like the lesson pointed out, “until one has seen sin for what it is, he cannot possibly perceive the significance of the cross. My goal is to further develop a strong prayer life and to activate the call to witness.”

Christian Discipleship International depends on the generosity of God’s people to provide for the needs of the ministry. CDI is grateful for every gift that enables us to continue providing free discipleship resources to believers around the world, including our brothers and sisters currently incarcerated.

If you are interested in serving as a CDI mentor with a prisoner or another individual, contact us for more information.

Thank you for your faithful support through prayer and financial giving!