February 2019 Newsletter

In our December 2018 newsletter, we selected three particular areas of CDI’s ministry to highlight. We highlighted the Myanmar training/discipleship initiatives that Dr Peter Ma-na-ling will be hosting in March and October of this year. We also highlighted the...

August 2018 Newsletter

For the last few months we have highlighted the continued work of the Gospel that God is doing through our CDI National Discipleship Partners Pastor David Akondowe from Tanzania, and Dr. Peter Cho from Myanmar, Malaysia and Singapore. We will continue these reports in...

July 2018 News Letter

For the next few months we will be highlighting the continued work of the Gospel that God is doing through a few of our CDI National Discipleship Partners. We regularly receive reports and pictures from our partners in the field. Rejoice with us at God’s work through...
Partner with CDI on Giving Tuesday!

Partner with CDI on Giving Tuesday!

Over the past few months, we have invested a great deal of time in strengthening relationships with our national discipleship partners all over the world. We continue to be so encouraged by their testimonies of faith and gospel advance in difficult places. Today, we...